Friday, August 12, 2011

Algebraic word problem....?

the mass of Neptune is about 1.03�10^23 metric tons. the mass of the sun is about 1.998�10^27 metric tons. About how many times the mass of Neptune is the mass of the sun? Write your answer in scientific notation.

Internet problems, please help?

Ok so my laptop keeps telling me that I'm not connected to the internet. Every time I click diagnose and repair the window comes up saying, "plug a cable into the network adapter 'local area connection'." what does this mean?

How do you manage your registered devices on Apple's website?

I don't. I refuse to buy that Apple garbage for THAT reason among 100 others. I'll keep my freedom of having to register, having to only be able to sync to 5 other devices, download a program to run my media player when everyone elses is plug and play, spend 2 grand on a mac that can't come close to running the software on the market a PC CAN for half the price, etc. You're right though! Only an idiot would steal a mac.

Child in doctor who...?

but the Doctor in Journey's End was the 10th Doctor not the 11th Doctor- and the Half human Half timelord is with Rose in the Alternative Universe

Decline in traditional industries in USA?

It would help to define what you mean by 'traditional industries' - and/or when these 'traditional industries' existed in the United States.

The purpose of fermentation is to...?

Just taught this lesson. It's D. No ATP is made directly by fermentation but it is made by allowing the electron carrier NAD+ to be regenerated and thus keep the substrate-level phosphorylation of glycolysis moving along.

Is it WoW or my computer that is messed up?

Before the 4.2 patch my computer ran WoW completely fine. Now after 4.2, the game crashes all the time, especially in Orgrimmar. Now I can't even load one of my characters without it crashing. It's starting to annoy me because I just bought more game time and I might not be able to use that time if the game keeps crashing. I know I have a lot of space on my computer to allow the new Patch and anymore data that needs to be updated. but my computer is all up to date with everything. WoW is just bugging out and crashing and I've tried repairing it and it didn't work.

Who do you think River Song is in Doctor Who?

Hmm...You make some good points, and have loads of good ideas! I'm not really sure, but when she talks about "killing the best man she ever knew" I'm pretty sure that she somehow killed the Doctor, and that's why she's in prison...

Can one read transits to a composite chart?

Yes, astrologers do this all the time. This transit would be read just as it would for a natal chart. This would be a time of illusions and muddled intuition.

Dropped mp3 player in water... Help?

Okay, i know its stupid but I've been cursed with the clumsy gene and i dropped my MP3 player in the toilet. Its not turning on but i got most of the water left. I love my MP3 player and i don't want to tell my mum i broke it. So before i give up hope does anyone know a way i can get it working or pay a small fine to have it repaired?

In which astrological era did the concept of "open" sexuality begin?

I know it had to be sometime after the 50s, but I know that in the 70s sexuality (in the US at least) wasn't discussed and acted upon quite openly among the older persons. The younger persons were burning bras, though. I wondered when this concept really started to flourish, and if it was a reflection of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, or a combination of those. (please be specific)

Question about large coupe?

I wanted the Acura CL but it has transmission issues. I wanted the Chrysler Sebring but Chryslers aren't built very well. I wanted the Mercedes CLK but I don't want to have to pay high repair bills. What other large coupes are there? I can't spend more than $15,000

Need help setting business hours?

Ok I have an electronics repair store. Cell phones,computer,gaming systems etc.. and I'm trying to figure out what hours would be best for me and the customers? I was think Mon-sat 9am to 7pm and sun 1pm to 5pm? What do you think? As a side note my compitetion is open from 10-6pm mon-sat and closed on sun. So any opinions are welcome and thanks in advance!

How do I release the parking break?

you shouldn't drive it because you could overheat your drums causing them to Warp and or get hard spots. If you are not able to get the brake to release your self and need to get it to a shop than you should have it towed on a flat bed Truck. when you call the tow company make sure you specify that you need them to send out a flat bed truck.

Problem with World of Warcraft Launcher?

My launcher opens up and says I'm up to date, but when i click play it sometimes doesn't work. I temporarily fix this by going to blizzard repair, but it never lasts. Is there a more permanent way to fix this problem?

I sliced my finger....?

Yes keep it dry it will harden faster. Keep it clean and disinfected. Also vitamin A can help the skin heal quickly and regenerate faster. Take around 5,000 - 8,000 IU

Howcome final fantasy characters have this wierd regenation ability?

for example in kingdom hearts i got the **** slashed out of me by sephiroth but i was intact..i was close to death but my body and cloths regenerated with no gaping holes or unrealistic much?

My laptop can't boot to windows 7. What should i do?

When i try to turn on my computerr, system repair begins to scan my computer for "problems" and then tries to fix it. Eventually, it says it failed to successfully fix the problems. then all i can do is restore to a previous time, restore to factory settings, and shut down/restart. There IS however one way i can boot to windows 7. I keep on tapping F8 while my laptop boots and i get a list of options. After trying every option, only one lets me boot to windows 7. "Enable driver signature enforcement". After that, windows boots normally. I don't want to keep doing this whenever i need to boot. and sometimes my computer randomly restarts because of this problem (Restarts 1-2 times a day). I tried restoring it to a previous point in time (when there were no problems)...i even restored it to factory settings. However i still have to use the same method when booting into windows. Oh, and i even scanned for viruses, it didnt show me anything.

How about gemini and scorpio?

they are a lot of gemini and scorpio married couples in my family who are going strong so just go for it and stop worrying about your chats if you guys werent meant to be just move on,at least you know you gave it a try.

Is this true for you?

If you're a guy, and you have an aspect to your moon, are you interested in women who strongly exhibit traits of the planet aspecting your moon? For women are you attracted to men who exhibit qualities of the planet aspecting your Sun? For example, my brother's moon is opposite his pluto and he married a Scorpio. I know a Libra man with Neptune conjunct moon and he married a Pisces. I was friends with a Libra who is really attracted to Pisceans and she has Neptune square sun.

Scorpio: cute or creepy?

I'm not sure your signs really have much to do with this matter. Once you love someone, i don't believe it ever truly goes away. If you both love eachother, go for it. It's a sweet, sweet thing to do, and a reminder to let him know that despite what he says, you're not going to forget about him and haven't. I feel like any guy in that situation would be touched and appreciate it. Who wouldn't love a gift from the one they love? Do it.

IPod screen cracked will apple replace or repair for free?

yesterday i put my ipod touch 4th gen in my pocket wearing a protective case, however it fell out my pocket screen face down on the concrete.the ipod still works fine however the screen is cracked and very much damaged. i bought my ipod on the 27th december 2010 and still have the receipt. however, i have no insurance on it. i have never had any damage on the ipod before. will apple replace or repair my iPod for free?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How does the body replace blood plasma after donation?

I am wondering how the body regenerates the plasma after donation. Does it take it from fat, or what? I know that plasma is about 93% water, but what about the other 7%. Where does it come from? Thanks.

My drop foot hurts peroneal nerve injury?

Whenever I jump on a trampoline for a long time the foot and leg where I have a drop foot hurts like hell. Why does this happen are my nerves regenerating?

Can anyone tell me when these exact alignments will occur again? They are from November 20, 1979 @ 8:00a.m.PDT?

Download a planetarium program and figure it out for yourself. But it looks like you're doing something related to astrology, so in that case, don't bother. It's a superstition, not a science. Just make up whatever answer you want and move on.

Alien Skies questions?

thinking about this... if planet one orbits around g1, wouldn't there always be a daytime? if there are two stars that orbit around one focus point with similar eccentricities, then a planet orbiting the G1 star would experience half a year of full daylight and the other half of normal earth like days (with both day and night. this kind of binary system doesnt seem possible to hold stable life forms either. maybe if you had a sun, like our own but much more dense, and a smaller much less dense star orbiting like a planet around that center of gravity with a, lets say not to eccentric orbit.. there are so many possibilities to this scenario. I love these kinds of questions. this may surprise you but im only 16 so my mind is still being exposed to so many new things. i love astronomy. i hope i helped a bit.

Ipad screen problem can apple replace it?

When i open safari and go to a blank page a yellow line apears on the sides but the touch screen still works i never dropped my ipad before always had a screen protector and always had a case i checked my warranty and it expires in 2012 can apple replace my ipad or repair? Thanks. Its the 1st gen ipad

What does my natal chart mean?

Ur mother suffered during ur pregnency & delivery, U r quickly aroused but settled down,religiously honest, academicaly arts or commerce or socialogy, u can develop affairs with many & can enjoy sex. U have the quality to influence people in a very innocent & cultivated manner. Can bear a good status in govt/state. Father is very short tempered but high moral disciplinary.u can also undertake overseas profession. BRHANDA

For professional Astrologers~ Care to throw some light on this birth chart?!?

you got jupiter in 7th house is very good..mars is in 8th housse in is aspecting 11 th house and also mercury (in 2nd house) and sun(in 3rd house) and venus(in 3rd house)..these things are very have to do holistic practices for more than one year...see my profile by clicking --umrao k-- on the left..

Best VPN for small remote computer repair business?

HI i am expanding my current computer repair service and am interested in providing remote computer repair along with house calls. I was wondering what the best way of connecting to the client is. If it is vpn or anything else, how to use it and any recommendations for other software for the cause.

Advice with buying a Ford focus car?

I am interested in buying the new 2011 Ford Focus diesel. The problem is I do mainly urban driving with speeds of no more than 40 mph when not at work. I have a 30 minute commute to work 5 days a week with 7 miles of this being 30-40 mph driving and 3 miles of motorway driving. Occasionally I do more than 6 miles of motorway driving depending on work location. My main concern is the DPF regeneration. Is the DPF actively or passively regenerated on the Ford Focus 2011? I know there is a petrol version but the tax is �115 compared to about �20-�30 for a diesel. Would I be better of getting a petrol?

Is it my pluto 1st house along with venus that makes my identity wrapped up in proving that we must change?

Hello ViaFT, Internet out all day yesterday and was I "jonesin" (sp?) Just checked out your chart again and that Venus/Pluto conjunction is strong! Thank the heavens above it's not in Scorpio. At least with Libra you can at least say that you try to have harmonious and balanced relationships! lol (sorry, to myself anyway) Libra rising tends to make one beautiful and if Venus was solo in that 1st house how wonderful that would be! But adding that powerhouse Pluto takes that sweet ol' Libra and basically turns your sweet little Libra into an observant, takes-no-prisoners, You-are-going-to-take-no-BS from anybody in your relationships. That conjunction explains why you can't remember men's names because there is probably an abundance of them wanting to get into your drawers. When you love you love powerfully. And since this is a 1st house issues even if you wanted to hide this lusty power principle I doubt that you could. I would imagine that when you begin a relationship your partner has no idea what he/she is getting ones self into. Pluto tends to detonate the planets that conjoin it. Or maybe just bulldoze it down like it never existed. So you love powerfully and you also probably quit loving even more powerfully. (it is easily seen probably since 1st house issues are personality and ones first impression) It is going to take a strong person to be your partner. No humble and meek ones for you. They are just too easy to get. You need someone with strength, conviction, and loyalty. You will accept nothing less in a relationship. I remember that Aquarius guy, the creep that took x-rays of kids? What a pervert. BUT he did not stand a chance with you. I bet he was pretty surprised when he got your wrath! It is all or nothing with this aspect. I wouldn't worry about religion issues as that opposition with Aries Jupiter won't allow anyone to manipulate you. Aries is the warrior and Jupiter is faith and optimism. You have an abundance of courage to hold your ground against any religious zealot. So powerful love vs warrior of faith. Wavering between the two must get tiring at best. And agreed the Neptune trine is helpful. But you probably will always have issues with another regarding love and the war of faith. Gonna submit before I get Oops. Dang them anyway. I'll edit later Best regards Bless you and all Oh you have got to read Sasha S. question about Leos not needing attention. I got a little guilty laugh as I answered. Please check it out. It is close to your first question, a few before it I think. Please answer it as I think it is made for you as well as me. LOL Big Time Oh gonna answer your other question about mean girls after dinner. I need energy to answer some of these crazy questions. You need to eat too to keep up your strength with all those guys hounding you day and night. Bless you and yours again. Edit again. sorry but when I began studying astrology, Chiron was the big dog. I have enough problems working with everything else. But I do need to study them as I do have the interest. Will begin that soon. Yes you probably are scary to the male species. My daughter can't wait until we no longer need men. She is all "woman power" You gotta love her. Waiting for men to have an artificial womb so they can have their own babies. Then she is just going to laugh and laugh. Aw, kids. The best thing on earth. Can't wait to read your book as I am 100% agreeing with your religious premise. Working in churches as a church pianist was "enlightening" to say the least. Yeah, let's scare the crap out of them and then take their money! I have also written two small books about being a stepmother, and the other is how to survive being a single mom (trying to keep it simple as so many single moms are so young!) May just put the single mom one for free on my web site of course which I do not have as yet. Oh my favorite verse of the bible is Hebrew 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. Yeah, that is faith alright. Oh I became an ankle-biter when my progressed sun entered Aries at age 44. That was it. Grew me a backbone. Will keep this question so as I learn the asteroids I'll understand your questions. Good night and heading over to R and S for my rendevous with Jesus Jr and looking for your answers too. Bless you all. Will be in touch as usual. Edit: That total confinement has me upset. You have turned out great but many could learn from your abuse. At least that's what I call it. God bless you. Sleep tight. Edit: just saw your answer about Taurus guys lmao! You just made my day. Well, off ot the hyponotist! ttul

How do I stop my water pipes from making noise?

Recently I had a leak in my water lines coming from my water meter to my home. After repairing the leak, I noticed a loud drumming in my walls when ever I run water from any of my faucets. My plumber says its air in the pipes, that I should run all my water faucets at once and it will stop in time. Its been several days now and the drumming in the walls continues. What can I do to fix this? Before the leak there was no problem.

Can we repair a concrete cement bench?

It can be fixed.. The trouble is finding someone to do it.. Most contractors wont waste their time, or even bother to look at it.. Best bet is if you go to a church or something, ask ppl such as maybe the deacons or preachr if they know anyone, or ask the ppl you talk to normally if tthey know anyone.

Creating a System Repair Disc?

I recently bought a Dell Laptop from Sam's Club and I need to create a system repair disk. I have the blank DVD but it won't let me create the disk because "The files needed to create a system repair disc were not found on this computer." And it tells me to insert the Windows Installation Disc which I don't have. What can I do?

2001 BMW 525i is it worth it to buy?

I want to know that should I buy a BMW 525i with 155k mileage on it? Will there be any big mechanical problem with that much mileage? Will it be expensive to repair bmw?

River song please answer?

If river song can regenerate which it is heavly speculated that she can then if davids doctor knew who she was and didnt 'save' her in the libery she could have regenerated and have met previous versions of the doctor.

If you restore your foreskin, would you need to get recircumcised in order to regenerate?

I know no one knows the answer for sure, but if regeneration technology becomes a reality, what would the answer be?

My Xbox 360 fan makes weird noise on occasion. Help?

My Xbox 360 fan works normal most of the time, but on occasion it makes this shrieking noise like it's grinding on something. It last about four minutes, then stops, then repeats. IT doesn't freeze or ANYTHING, but that noise is so annoying. Should I be worried? Or can this go on without repairs? Because I need to save my money for high school football this coming year.

What Does My Birth Chart Indicate?

As I have noticed, the Mars in Capricorn makes you a warrior sort of person. Like you can literally conquer anything at all, and you have great imaginative powers.

Why do we die when the cells making up the body are constantly regenerating?

Cells can't split infinitely without introducing copying errors. That's one way of defining age. DNA gets corrupted after a certain number of splits. Except for the HeLa strains of cells, obviously, which seems to be functionally immortal.

Auto collision repair?

Hey I'm 17 and I got excepted in a local trade school for doing auto collision repair I want to know what all will I be doing I HOPE I WILL BE LEARNING ON HOW TO PAINT CARS ENGINE WORK ETC. pls help

Who would win in a fight the joker or dead pool?

Joker is awesome he's so funny and evil. And he almost feels no pain and stuff. But in 'real life' deadpoool would pwn

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

God won't heal amputees because it is impossible. "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." noone in their right mind would pray and actually believe that their arm would grow back. there is no way to truly believe that it will grow back. But in my opinion, amputees are healed every day. its called a prosthetic limb. I don't know if I would say that God did the healing but in some sort of way, they are healed.

Mucus plug at 30 weeks?

I would call her and just let her know about all the combined info and ask her opinion. Where it is normal to start losing you mucous plug at 30 weeks its not really normal for cramping and all to follow. Good luck.

Reservoir/Whirlpool, for C/C Which title suits this pen?

Neither! I would call this "Poem lacking in content relating to buns" Now go away and rewrite with more bakery content.

XP Home Security 2011?

Check out either Microsoft Security Essentials, or Avast! AntiVirus. Both are excellent free tools that will most likely remove this malware.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Help me to solve this logic puzzle?

I do not have an answer because I lost interest by the fifth line in, sorry. This is just too "star trecky" for my mind to remain focused. If this is homework, I feel really bad for you, lol! If this is just something you posted to see who else may know the answer, why would you be so cruel? lol! Good luck!

Is it worth it to upgrade my iphone baseband?

I have a iPhone 3GS and its running modem firmware 05.16.02. Is it worth upgrading to the iPad baseband so I can unlock it with ultrasn0w? I realize I wont be able to downgrade again, and i wouldnt be able to send it to apple for repairs. It doesn't have a warranty anyway because my friend found it on the side of the road. I don't really want to lose my GPS while upgrading, so I'm unsure about it. maybe there's another way to unlock it without upgrading or costing me any money? Would it be worth it?

Does anyone know if it was the Doctor Who?

Does anyone rember when the Doctor got killed then in the episode where where the flesh copied him and at the,end they the Doctors where saying something about he could regenerate does anyone know?

What does medic do in BFBC2? + other questions?

Okay the Medpack lets you heal others faster so they don't have to wait. The SMG does have lower hip spread but you aren't faster. The marking does not always work because it enemy could be to far away. The voice error is a bug. Bullets and grenades damage vehicles but it is pretty low on damage with the grenade doing a little more. You can get in a non squad vehicle just can't spawn in it. Hope this helps :D

I have no Air in my chart, but does having planets in Air houses compensate that?

This chart could be considered to be lacking in air. But there are some placements in the air sign houses which can give a little bit of that quality to the individual.

Jews - "where her husband had intercourse with her while she was under three years" Is 2 a bit young to marry?

Judaism does not allow sex or marriage w children. The muslims do that. Lots of stories of young indian girls brought in for saudi men.

Metric units in AutoCAD 2012?

try to using scale command to resize drawing. For your problem its mybe corresponding to the equivalent distance in inches. soo the image going to smaller.

Astrologically, why does my sister hate my dad so much?

She is a Cancer and he is Aries. Aries and Cancer don't go well together but as father - daughter relationship astrology can't be a matter. You should not look at astrology when it come to family. You can't change zodiac signs of your sister and your father. Usually Cancers like their family members a lot doesn't matter what their signs are. If your sister doesn't like her own father that means that she has some mental problems. If she hates her own father who never did anything to her then it is not normal.

How do I know my nerves are healing?

I have peripheral nerve damage from chemo and up until recently I was getting used to the pain. Lately, I have been using colostrum and b12 to promote healing, I was told by my doctor nerves regenerate as long as they aren't damaged completely and there's nothing continuing damage. I removed the factor (the chemo) so it makes sense to only get better. Is the burning and pain feeling signs of the nerves starting to regenerate? Healing crisis it's called I think.

Is it worth getting my compter repaired?

Difinately fix it! Or you can get a new one! :D Can you look at my latest question please because i really need an answer! x thank you

Hole in wall of liner in underground pool?

We have a large underground pool. About a week ago, after opening it for the summer, we discovered a small hole in the wall of the liner in our pool. It's not so large, but its deep enough to drain more than an inch of water from the pool after a day. It's been doing this for a while now, and I'm desperate to get it patched up as quick as possible. I researched about this online and learned that I should buy a vinyl patch repair kit to get it fixed. However, I don't think I'll be able to be able to go out and buy one, at least right now, and ordering isn't an option, since I'll be getting the repair kit by Wednesday since there will be no deliveries on Monday (4th of July). So does anyone know of any do it yourself at home remedies that will allow me to patch this hole up in the meantime? I know tape won't work, but if you guys have any ideas on what will, please let me know!

Help me please? squares?

* Without going into particulars, someone with many squares in the chart is stronger, more resilient than others. Squares give you obstacles and with them the strength to overcome. You also have many trines, and this could be helpful in working on the squares and oppositions. It seems that you got this chart from cafeastrology? If so, read the interpretations that go with it, they can be helpful in understanding your chart.

Please help! I wore tight shoes yesterday and woke up with two numb toes...?

The toes can still feel my hands when I touch them, but they have been tingling all day. I wore my shoes for about 4-5 hours last night. I think i damaged the nerves in my toes.. will they regenerate??! I'm really worried...

Doctor Who episode "Love and Monsters" question?

In this episode, Elton was saying that he saw The Doctor when he was a little kid and that he looks exactly the same now as he did then. But, since it's been so many years, wouldn't the Doctor have regenerated? So wouldn't he look completely different?

What's wrong with my Sims 3 game?

After trying to mod my Sims 3 game, the game had horribly messed up. At first, it wouldn't let me play and said that my graphics card wasn't compatible with the game. I quit and re-entered again, and no graphics pop-up showed up, but my two save files were missing. I went out and deleted all the mods, by reversing the extracting effect and such. When I went back to my game, they were still gone. I looked further into the issue, and managed to come across the backup file, since I couldn't find it. (I have Windows 7 and I've had issues finding EVERYTHING on this computer.) Eventually, I found the backup file, and got the game files back via deleting the main file and replacing it with the backup. I started up the game again to see my files there, but my family wouldn't show up, but it had my two town names. The family that showed up was a dotted outline of a family, named Ramirez. This of course, is not any of my families. I realized that the file missing was the WHATEVERITWAS.sims3 file. So I entered that, and indeed my families returned. However, I noticed that the game colors are different and the graphics are kind of slow. The color palettes of my Sims clothing are pale and their movements are glitchy. Any way I can fix this? BTW, in Windows 7, there are 2 Electronic Arts folders, one in Documents and one in Program Files. In Program Files, I have the two town files saved, as well as the WHATEVERITWAS file, but my game didn't regenerate another backup file for either of the towns. Also, on the Documents Electronic Arts Saves folder, there are two files that show my town name with .legacy at the end? What should I do to fix my game? The colors are really going to bother me.

Right click of microsoft mouse not working?

Check the mouse settings if the right key is disabled if setting is alright than your mouse right hand side switch is faulty you can clean the switch by using cleaning spray called WD-40 or replace the switch if you have skill of soldering the switch cost less than a dollar or 10rupees. If you have soldering iron than you can replace it. But if you buy new soldering iron it will cost 100 to 200 Rupees or 4 dollars or instead of that buy a new mouse. Before that if you have a spare mouse than check that the spare mouse is working and if its working than you have to buy new mouse or if your spare mouse is not working than it may be the problem of the motherboard / Operating system anyone.

Why do so many Sailor Moon fans not like the idea of Uranus and Neptune being "cousins" in the dub?

just becasue it's not surprising that a dub will completely change the relationship between characters doesn't mean we should be happy about it. also if it has stuff in it that shouldn't be targeted to kids then they shouldn't try to target to kids. Nowadays most dubs avoid these kinds of mistakes.

Our renters are demanding we finish an unfinshed basement do we have to?

We are in Nv. We are currently renting out our old home it has 3 bedrooms upstairs, and 2 full bathrooms. Downstairs is a unfinished 1/2 bath it does a a functioning sink and toilet, there is no sheet rock. The water heater and the furnace are both located in the bathroom. They are claiming it is a health and safety issue and are threatening to sue if not fixed. There is 2 finished bedrooms and a family room downstairs as well. We had propane installed in the home to help with the heating bills and needed to leave a small portion of the ceiling unfinished to accomadate the new materials needed to bring in propane heat. They also want that fixed. The home was built in 1974-75. When we bought the homw 6/7 years ago the basement had nothing we added carpet, sheetrock, and the ceiling but moved before the bathroom and the ceiling got fininshed. They want all this fixed within 14 days of the letter with their 10 demands met or they are threating to withhold rent, repair and deduct the cost to fix it to their specifications, which leaves us paying the rent, terminate their agreement or sue us. We are using a property manag er to handle the property and we have agreed that termination would be best for all, well except for the tenants they want everything up to current building codes which will cost us financial hardship. Are we required to do any of their demands? Any advice would help! Please and thank you.

Where to buy dental glue to repair my flipper?

my retainer part of my flipper broke in half this weekend and it is a clean break and I was hoping I could find a place in Tucson to buy some glue

Do you think percy will meet annabeth in the son of neptune?

im wondering if he will meet her in this book or if rick would possibly keep it until the last book! that would suck! and do you think percy and annbeth and percy love each other. (Spoliers of the lost hero) in the lost hero annabeth was worried sick about percy and in the sneak peek chapter of the son of neptune, annabeth was the only person percy remembered, so what do you guys think? Thanks!

The other day I turned over my rug,and the backing was covered with?

Is the right side of the rug worn?, if so, you'll probably need a new rug, {suggestion} get a rug protector to put under your chair.

Can someone please tell me SOMETHING? (astrology)?

In order to do any sort of predictive astrological work, we would need a complete natal chart with transits. You can have one drawn up at Otherwise, please post planets as well as house cusps by sign and degree.

This Aries acts more like a Pisces.. what in her chart would influence that?

hmm true. if the afternoon bit is incorrect, and it was actually morning she would be a pisces. the cancer mars could have something to do with it. and well it's possible she has a water sign rising.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Help with Dell D620 hard drive?

I use Avast Free Antivirus. It finds a lot of infections without slowing down your machine. Put this on. Then once the viruses are gone, put the Windows disk in and select upgrade. It should repair all the windows files. Hope this helps

What does this mean o.0?

Never to worry. Things can seem disturbing when you take one or two planets or aspects and forget that you have a whole entire natal chart to discover. Your rising sign is the cusp of the 1st house. It rules your personality, physical body, and the "first impression" that you make when meeting others. With Capricorn rising one generally is not especially extroverted with this sign in 1st house. Capricorn likes to take their time and isn't usually the most out-going of rising signs as it is ruled by Saturn, which often restricts or delays. Now add the Neptune to this info. Neptune is the planet of infinity, intangible things like love, knowledge, and creativity. Neptune is the planet that gives us a strong spirituality about the things that we cannot "touch." Many creative people have prominent Neptune in their chart. So when you meet people (1st house issues) you probably don't send out strong vibes which is enhanced by that Capricorn rising. People may feel that they just don't "get" you when they first meet you. Such is the energy of Neptune. Neptune is the ruler of infinity so does that help you understand why it is so hard to grasp your energy when one first meets you? Often Neptune rising people have these gorgeous eyes that just go on forever. Since ones physical body is 1st house issues, with Neptune placed there, many times you may get a rash or some mysterious ailment that defy explanation. Now don't be on Red Alert about this. But sometimes your body can react in a somewhat mysterious way. Always take good care of your feet and wear proper shoes as there can sometimes be a issue with the feet. And since Capricorn is the rising sign, take good care of your skeletal system by using good posture. I am trying to ease your disturbance with these placements so I hope that you do not freak out over some of the information I am giving. it is not given to frighten you, it is given with good intentions. These are not "identity disturbing aspects" at all. I suggest that you take up dance as many many talented dancers have a prominent Neptune. Any creative venture would be good for you. Music, art, theatre would all be good outlets for your Neptune placement. As a Scorpio you are probably very observant and it takes times for you to trust others. This is also normal. And since it is placed in the 9th house of higher learning and travel, attending college would be a wonderful outlet for you. And you would probably enjoy traveling too. With you moon in Aries you can probably be quite emotional when you are angry. That is just the nature of Aries. A little hot-headed and easily frustrated, particularly when somebody just doesn't understand where you are "coming from." Aries always like to have a battle but the lesson is to learn which battles are worthy of fighting. So you are just fine. Just fine. Now if you want to see what really "disturbing" is, just hang in this category for awhile. And then, if still not satisfied that you are doing just fine, head over to Society and Culture and then go to Religion and Spirituality. I guarantee this will prove that you are A-OK. Hope this is helpful. Good luck and bless you and again, you are just fine.

What movie with this scene?

OMG you're talking about the movie Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay!! Hilarious film!! The bit where they stumble across the KKK and then prentend to be a member!! And then get found out and chased!! So funny! LOL!

Compatibility of These Two People PLEASE?

i dont analyze people..i just look into your eyes if i wanna know who you are..some eyes are lost some eyes are easy to read..some eyes have i dont need horoscope to read people i just look into their eyes

Why doesnt sony accept sending a repair through their website?

And when i try to enter my info about my warranty it tells me to call the phone number to get it serviced. but i dont want to call i would rather do it through the website. Any suggestions?

Car damage settlement problem?

You are correct! You do not have to get the vehicle fixed unless you still owe money (auto loan) on the vehicle. If you still owe money on the vehicle, the owners would be your father and the lender and an insurance company would have to look out for the lender also. If the vehicle is paid for, you have the right to get it fixed or accept compensation (the money) for the damage done. You do NOT have to repair the vehicle. The estimate is proof enough. If this is becoming that much of a hassle, I would contact his insurance company and let them handle it and also contact the police.

Questions about planets!!?

Well, you see the obviously every one know that the earth revolves around the moon. Are it might be earth revolves around the sun. You know that mercury use to be the coldest planet until in summer of 1940 when world war two was still raging that Adolf Hitler tested a nuke on the frozen planet when it hit there was a massive explosion that changed it. The explosion was so powerful all the other planet started moving. Hope that answered your question.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Medal Of Honor 2010?

Well i LOVE cod and play competitive in it but im looking to buy another game thats more laid back and just for fun. Ive had BFBC2 but i dont like complicated it is and i mean i hate how your health dosent regenerate. MOH looks a lot more like COD games but im not sure i like kinda fast paced games and that semi need teamwork. What do you think i should get ?

Question about true foreskin regeneration?

ok, so after discovering how deprived I am being circumcised, I now have a strong desire to gain back my foreskin. While I no way want to do the foreskin restoration that involves pulling the shaft skin over the glans, I have found out that the company Foregen is developing a clinical trial for completly regenerating foreskin. My genetics teacher says that despite the removal of foreskin, the genetic code for foreskin is still in your body, and proper use of a biomedical solution (involving stem cells, etc.) would bascially resequence the genetic code into reforming the foreskin. My question is will the application of the biomedical solution cause all of the components of the foreskin to regenerate (ridged band, frenulum, etc.), resensitize the exposed, desensitized circumcised glans penis (head of the penis), return to the glans penis the some 20,000 fine touch nerve receptors that contribute to its extreme sexual sensitivity, and relubricate/moisturize the glans? Plus, is it possible such technology will be available to all men in the next 5 years?

Downloaded snow leopard for free having trouble installing...?

I downloaded snow leopard onto my macbook using a disc for free, but when I begin to install it, after I agree to the liscence ageement it says "finding disk" for a few seconds and then it just quits... Ive tried repairing the disk which is what they recommend to do it the installation doesnt work, but that doesnt do anything. Please help...

Windows 7 repair and google redirect help?

i just used rkill the other the day to get the windows 7 repair virus under control...all of my files and start menu and desktop icons are still hidden...but thats only the start of my problems..i now have google redirect i think...i can search in google and it will give me search results but when i click any of them it sends me to all these random pages...i have been using my phone to try and search for help and ive spent hours reading and trying to follow all the gobs of deirections...i used kaspersky and it didnt detect anything. i tried using combofix but it told me it wont work if i have avg which i do...everything i have read is either too confusing (im pretty much computer retarded) or its all jusr repeating the same head is spinning and im super frustrated nothing is working! my coputer is falling apart! please please someone help me in toddler terms! i had to restart my computer as per the directions of trying to fix the redirect....and now the windows 7 repair virus is back..i tried to run rkill again and it keeps saying access denied. now i am right back to where i started from. This post has been edited by binzy: Today, 04:24 P

Is it possible to find out the placements of your perfect match?

Please write birth details for your answer and it is possible in vedic astrology there is all answer of concern of human life

Which is the best Anti virus software to remove the virus from the Pen drive/ phone memory chips?

My Pen Drive is infected with virus, if I copy some file from the other computer, that particular computer also infected at the same time with that virus as having the (OS Win 7), and that particular file which I copied from the other computer is shown as an shortcut. There is no chance of mistakes in copying of files because I work with the computer from past 16 years. I am all-ready used AVG, Avira & Avast the virus protection software but nothing work upon Pen Drive. The action is when I plug my Pen Drive to the Computer it may clean the virus but after remove it may regenerate the virus again and which may harm the other computer in my office.

I don't know what I want in life - help? birth chart included?

if your asc node means north node, you want society to progress. get yourself involved in helping or improving society

Would we be lovers or fighters?

You are quite demanding today ViaFT. Just kidding of course. Is your chart the one first listed? Went to your compabitility chart and there are some good things but of course I saw some difficulties too. That Mars square Pluto is a tough aspect to master. This I am concerned with. Also Pluto is sitting on the 7th House of Marriage and Partnerships. Somebody's gonna want the power in this relationship that's for sure. The Venus conjunct Uranus could make the relationship tend to not be boring. And generally, generally now Venus/Uranus aspects can allow some "kinky-ness" in the bedroom. Many gays have Uranus placed aspecting Venus. No run of the mill sex here. Of course you could "battle" in the bedroom with that Mars/Pluto square. Where's my whip! Spank him into submission. lol lol again. With that Mars at the Nadir there may be anger issues that provide the foundation (4th House) in the relationship. Again Mars in 12th House. Somebody needs to "let go" of some anger issues with this placement. Could have a martyr with this position. Passive-agressive.. But the Mars/Pluto square is again a difficult aspect. Mars squares Sun.. Mars square Mercury. Then the Saturn/Sun opposition is very telling. Delays, depression, static, one "holding back" the other. Saturn can make the Sun person feel like they have to have "Father's" permission. Very restrictive aspect. Ok. This is my guess. There are positive aspects but there is just way too much Mars in this compatibility. If you are working together for a cause, a cure, a charity then all this energy could be put to good use. I just see alot of differences of opinion, arguments, and power struggles. Then the Saturn/Sun opposition will make one feel so "limited" at times. There is a feeling that every desire for movement and new things and ones individuality will be challenged and again, very slow-going for the Sun person. You don't want to be with your "Father." You want to be yourself without restriction. So, though the Sun/Neptune conjunction can mitigate these Mars/Pluto/Saturn issues, I just don't feel like it can diffuse all that Martian energy and the Pluto control of power. Sounds like alot of work to me. However, one learns through difficult aspects, but you don't want the crap beat out of you at every turn. Good to see you here again. I think I just used up too many brain cells. Burned too many out in my younger days. Bless you all. Edit: Just saw best answer remembering names. love that one about Sam. Still laughing! Skipping the R/S category as I have now had my laugh for the day! Thank you again.......Sam is it?........i th-th-th-think it is Sam? .......I th-th-th- think I might have a demon in my head? You're the best friend ever! Though i have never met you.....or have I? That damn bull... I am after whoever it is that told me that story. I will remember someday ........maybe?......I hope I can....LOL...LOL again gonna check your chart for Mars/Pluto square. I'm just not myself today. I think I am in love with that little guy named Jesus Jr and am so out-of-focus as one tends to get when in love. I think I love him Edit again: Look at your compatibility chart aspects at the very end it says Pluto squares Mars, though it is an "imperfect square" maybe I need to get my eyes checked. Oh my head.. I think there's ademon in it............You the best Venus is a Fly Trap You just make my day.

ASTROLOGY synastry --Why did person 2 feel like they had to HELP-- Person 1?

I just want to add that you have NN in Virgo and SN in Pisces . I see you providing service to many that you feel are in need...and in turn you are correcting was the right thing to do.

Cells regenerating slowly after 2nd chemo with Leukemia?

My husband (32 yrs old) has AML. He has normal karyotype, has NPM1 and FLT3-TKD mutations. Doctrs decided not to do Bone Marrow transplant unless he relapses in the future. After 1st chemo, cells regenerated very fast and tests were showing slightly NPM1 mutations and no FLT3-TKD ones. Now after the 2nd treatment, doctors said he will get to go home only for like 2 days (unlike last time which was 6 days) to start the next chemo and do next bone marrow test. His chemo ended like 19 days ago and today he had to receive blood transfusions. Is this a bad sign of the illness?

Would you recommend that I buy the service plan when I buy my macbook?!?

The retailers make a most of their profit from selling service plans which is why they are so persistent. By the time your PC is 2 to 4 years old you'll probably be able to buy a new PC for $300!

My phone thinks it has a failing media card installed?

My blackberry bold 9700 was from my work colleague. It may have been old but once a new housing case was installed it was working practically brand new. But recently its been thinking it had a media card. I was asked to repair this card I could not find within my phone. But in my phone's attempts, all my photo's, videos and music was erased. I cant download more music or record videos anymore but can take pictures. What can I do?

Can I use old capacitors to repair LCD monitors?

I am fixing an LCD monitor (needs new capacitors). In an old VCR/DVD player there are some with the exact same voltage and uF rating. Can I use them?

Product to renew skin?

Hello there, my plastic surgeon after a nose job he gave me some sessions where he applied a very strong product in my nose to regenerate the skin, the product was so strong that for one week the skin gets literally burned and then it falls leaving the new skin. I don't live in that country anymore and he wont gave me the product name, apparently can be only used by doctors. Anyhow I am looking for a product that I can buy (preferably in the internet) that will do the same or some what the same. Any suggestions? thank you in advance.

Cancer Male (zodiac)?

With a Cancer Sun, it's all about loyalty and tradition. It may take a while for this one to settle down because his Leo Moon may tempt him with admirers and frivolity. Leo Moons love to have fun but seek emotional validation and adoration. He may vacillate between his private and fun-loving self although his Venus in Taurus will value security in relationships and he will be in it for the long haul when he selects a suitable partner. His Mars in Leo suggest that he is a direct and demonstrative lover who would enjoy showering you with affection once you get inside that tough Cancer shell. He speaks from the heart (Mercury in Cancer) and enjoys a partner who has their feet in the ground and can deliver on promises. He needs to know he's appreciated and loved for who he is and it may take a strong and direct partner to assure him they love him more more than his good looks and charm. He has a lot to share with but with Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn, he may rebel against what society expects of him. He may even choose to go his "own way" in relationships which is not to say he won't love being part of a partnership but will assert his will in such a way as to let you know he his own man and won't get married just because that is what you're "supposed" to do. It doesn't look like he'll have any trouble attracting partners however and will truly shine (maybe a little too much) when it comes to the game of romance. For him, love is a sensual exploration and expression of his joy. He will have to agree to let down some of those Cancer defenses but once he does he throws himself wholeheartedly into the affair. He wants love to remain easygoing and fun and his biggest drawback may be realizing that relationships do take hard work to maintain.

5 empty houses and 5 planets in 2nd house?what it means.?

Empty houses just simply means these areas of your life you wont need to worry about as your awareness is on other houses in which you have planets. there will be no limitation in these houses and will not affect the blueprint of your lifetime. obviously this doesn't mean you don't have an activity in these areas. off course you will have activity but it will be common and natural and unlimited.

Current Dr Who question regarding the little girl?

I was reading a question from another poster asking if the Dr could regenerate into a "chick". What if the little girl IS a future incarnation of the Dr?

How do i create a menu.lst file?

What are some methods that i can use to make a menu.lst file. My OS is Windows. I am very confused and had spent hours looking for a way to make it but all i run into is help forums for people that accidentally erased their menu.lst file. I need to know how to create one, not how to repair or regenerate it.

OK I only got one answer, and I appreciate it, but I want more input.?

I would say either your Gemini sun or the libra in your chart, Gemini's get bored really fast once they get what they chased for it seems. I could be wrong but that's what I think.

My Nintendo Wii is not reading any discs?

I went on Call of Duty Black Ops this morning and I was online in a match. Then it suddenly turned off, then when I took the discs out and then put it back in and it would not read. It will not read any of the discs. I have cleaned at least 2 of them and tried it, still would not work. I do not really want to send it away or spend a lot of money for it to be repaired. Any idea?

Can you go to a shoe repair place to have a pair of heels raised higher?

All of the really cute heels/boots I like end up being 4-5 inch heels. I need 6 inch for a photo shoot. Is it possible for them to raise it or at least install a new heel altogether?

What do square, conjunction, trine and sextine mean?

* All together, these are called aspects. The aspects are numerical representations of the relationships between the planets. Huh? you say? There are distances between the planets and depending on that distance, the planets interact in different ways. The conjunction is the closest one, here the planets sit together- withing 8-10 degrees of each other. Because of the closeness their energies combine to make one so their meanings intertwined. An example in your chart is your Mercury conjunct Venus. This gives you a charming way of expressing yourself, as Mercury is your way of expressing yourself and Venus is beauty, charm. This is a good aspect for sales or trying to convince people. The sextile is the next closest and represents free flowing communication between the two. Venus sextile Uranus gives you a unique sense of style, and maybe your values are a little original to you. Next is the square, this is one that needs to be worked on. The energies are in a tension relationship, they each have a specific energy and it is at cross purposes with the other. Venus square Saturn in your chart gives you a sense of being judged. And because the aspect is square you are uncomfortable and feel the judging is not favorable to you. You feel lacking in whatever is valued, that you are not good enough. Trine is the next aspect. This is a gift of ease between the two planets involved. Their meanings flow easily together and the area these planets correspond to are easy for you- a gift. Your Sun trines your Moon; this is a very nice comfortable aspect dealing with your innermost self flowing easily with the way you express your emotions. It also refers to how you see the relationship between your parents. It is balanced, relaxed and consistent. The last major aspect is the opposition. It is what it says it is- two planets with opposing energies pulling you in both directions. The goal here is to reconcile them and find a compromise. No oppositions! There are minor aspects that different astrologers use or not, including the semi square, inconjunct, quintile, but don't worry about them. There is enough to do with working through the major aspects. Your list looks like it came from cafeastrology? Did you read through the interpretations given there? Also you can get more info through the listings at that site.

I cant find a wireless network on my laptop?

Okay so i have 2 laptops. The one im using now is able to find wireless networks around the area (like normal). BUT on my other laptop isnt able to find ANY networks. I've tried "repairing it" but it always says there's nothing wrong with the Wi-Fi. Anyone have any suggestions to fix it?

10 points to anyone who can aswer this question?

i'm taking my ipod for repair/replacement to apple when i send it do i need to send it with the Accessories and Original box it came in

Windows vista update ?

I tried to update windows vista yesterday it took about half an hour for the green bar to fill up then it asked to restate my computer and it took a about two hours for the percentages to fill so I left it running then it came up with a black screen and some words and numbers that kept flicking every second, I left it over night and some more so about 15 hours and it still hadnt got off my screen so I shut it down and restarted it. It asked me if I wanted to do it normally or with repair so I chose normally and again it came up with the black screen. Once more I shut it down and clicked repair this time and it asked me if I wanted to restore my computer to a restore point so I clicked yes. Now it's taking ages with that. What's gone wrong and what do I do?

My friend tries to get me to like halo what should i do?

On top of that he also talks about building 200,000 mile long space cruisers and star fighters capable of glassing countries and hacking other air crafts controls. And also taking over the world and nanites capable of regenerating lost body limbs and making people with them immune to damage. What should i do without being to rude and ruining my friendship? This is all based off of halo 3 and the other games mind you.

Can I still get pregnant?

My boyfriend and I had sex probably 4 times in a row about two days ago. Normally we don't use condoms we just use the pull out method. Can I get pregnant is he cam in me, if the sperm was clear and not white like the first time? I know its a stupid question, and the answer is probably a yes. But, I'm hoping that maybe since we had sex so many times in a row that it wasn't able to like regenerate that quickly.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mechanic advice needed?

just got head gasket replaced as well as valves but am now experiencing heater core problems? I got some kind of fluid coming from the dash above cd player. i believe it is antifreeze. It has come out of the vents but seems to not really have a color but is a little oily. my car was over heating when i come to a stop or let it it run without moving. Mechanic told me to have it flushed to remove any left over milky substance. He said i might need a radiator but to run the car then to get a flush about a week . i dont run the car really that much due to the heating problem and im waiting to have it flushed at radiator garage after the holiday. I just dont want to put any more money into the car but at the same time i cant afford to go out and buy a new one. Any ideas on what might the problem be ? or about how much it would be to fix this problem? its a mercedes so i know the price is going to be regardless but maybe if its a hose that i would not have to get into dash? would it be a real hard Do it yourself? i dont know alot about cars but im sure i could get some kind of repair guide and some friends help. any help or thought would be greatly appreciated.

Amazing of the universe is No one can truly explain the beginning ?

there are other options you forgot to consider. There is no reason to assume that something was always in fact that is probably impossible since nothing can last forever. There may have been a beginning of time, for example.

How to make my minecraft server?

im trying to make my server not spawn monsters but also not regenerate health how do i do this? i dont have bukkit or anything

In Doctor who, Is River Song the Doctor? (possible bad spoiler)?

I think you must have missed the last episode? It turns out that River is actually the daughter of Amy and Rory. She is also the little girl in the austronaut suit who regenerated after Amy shot her! And she is the doctors future wife AND his murderer. Exciting stuff!!

Would a Death Star-like structure be possible?

we could build a death star now if the whole world focused and contributed but obviously thats not going to happen

If this world ends? what will you do?

how do you envisage the world will end? that is the cessation of all ability to regenerate and start anew?

Are there any potentially harmful reactions between DMSO and pure sodium?

im thinking of trying an experiment with my lower back which has DDD. i heard the trick to regenerating tissue in humans is the activation of sodium channels between cells. if this is true, then it could possibly be that introducing sodium to the local cells via DMSO could elicit the same reaction. the only reason i would not do this is if the combination of DMSO and sodium has an adverse chemical reaction.

Oven Burning Problems...?

When i open my oven, it jets out hot air at me and touching inside to get food out burns my fingers...I tried to call the repair shop, but they were laughing at something and I couldn't hear them. How do I fix my oven?

Can all brain cells regenerate?

My neurologist told me that all brain cells can regenerate all over your brain, but I've been reading things of different sites saying that only certain brain cells regenerate. I don't know what's true.

Semen volume? anyone?

im trying to cover my GF so im waiting a long amount of time for my semen to regenerate, how many days does it take for your volume peak? i dont want to wait a super long time and waste my time because all my semen regenerated a few days ago... anyone have an idea of how long it takes to have a max load?

I have a 1972 Mercury Thunderbolt 50 hp. I recently have had the motor looked att, and made some repairs, but,?

but when I throttle the motor it simply dies. When the boat is out of the water however, it runs fine. Any suggestions?

What happens if my appraisal is lower than my 203k loan amount?

My offer: $57,900. My 203k loan amount: $71,545 (includes improvements/repairs.) Appraised at: $70,000. I read that FHA loans up to 110% of the value. Is this correct? As long as I'm under $77,000 am I ok?

Will my skin wet repair?

I'm a 16 year old boy, and my skin is horrible!! I hope someone can help me! When I was 14, I had minor bumps coming up on my forehead. I went out and got a acne cleanser. Apparently, I was too young to use something that strong. It was very harsh on my face, and I didn't even have acne at tht time. I was just concerned to get rid of the small zits. Every since then I've been trying numerous products, but it seems as though my skin is getting worse. Please help! What do you guys do?

Can you tell if someone is a good athlete by their chart?

The Mars in Aries is probably where you get your athletic gifts from. I know people who have some type of Aries influence, Aries Suns especially, are naturally good athletes and have amazing bodies. They're toned and know how to work their bodies.... It's just in their nature to be so good with their bodies... They just give it their all... Ending up just drenched in sweat and getting everything... wet... They just know how to move, and what to do.... They're so quick that no one can keep up with them... They're so in control... and mmm mygawd, they know what they're doing.

Virus on my Java program?

The file is already useless. Avast can't repair it back to original if it really was clean. However, there is a possibility that Avast could be wrong. It could be a false-positive. Try to send the suspected file to and see what other antivirus scanners will say.

A Teen in need of help!?

Hey i am exactly the same eight and age and i'm hoping for the same thing!... Well that's about it I think we should be atleast 5'9... i don't know how tall your dad is but mine is 6ft so...

How was the first Lactobillus bacterium (organism responsible for curd formation) formed?

Scientist say that Lactobillus bacterium (organism responsible for curd formation) can regenerate itself only by dividing itself,It cannot be created by just keeping a glass of milk..

How do l repair a leak in a powerwasher hose?

got power washer hose pipe and have 2 small holes in it .can't seem to get replacement hose .so how can l repair it ?

1986 BMW E30 over heating issues?

My son bought a 1986 BMW E30 2.7 ltr (I don't know why!). We replaced the head gasket on it, and since then it starts, and runs good for about 20 mins. than it will over heat, and go into "limp mode". I'm thinking the thermostat is bad, and he is convinced it's a bad temp sensor. I have been working on cars for 20+ years, and he just graduated from Wyotech as a mechanic. Neither of us is experienced in BMW repairs, so does anyone have any suggestions as to what we could check? Either of our ideas could be the issue, but the temp sensor (he says) has continuity so he thinks he ruled that out. He hasn't tried my idea yet so we don't know for sure that's the problem. (Right out of school, he obviously thinks he knows it all!) LOL But if anyone could confirm, or deny either of our ideas that would be great. If you have another idea that would be even more awesome. So thank you in advanced, and please help...this is an annoying issue for both of us!

What does "line bored" mean when referring to crankshaft?

The bore must be in alignment with the crank journal. Misaligned bore and it goes Kaput! Your quite the disaster when it comes to things mechanical aint ya?

Can you tell who would be more emotionally vs. superficially attached in a relationship by house placements?

Good morning ViaFT, Of should I say Good Moaning...have you seen that guy here on answers? I am a night owl and I love that Good Moaning because the only thing I am good at in the morning is moaning. Oh, my back hurts. OOOOOHHHhHHhhhhHHHh...MY BACK HURTS! What a grump I am. With your job and kids and all your interactions with the weaker sex (lol) I'll bet you are a morning person. Well I am just too tired and too old. My daughter often says "You want me to start your water?" Yes, of course I do. That coffee is a necessity. Every long-term partnership I have ever had, the man always made my coffee for me. That speaks volumes. Well enough about me. How are you and is this the same guy that you had the compatibility chart with last week? I do use synastry to some degree but it is definitely not my strong point. I used to do the composite charts, with mid-points and so you just end up with one chart to study for the relationship. So, it's going to take me a while to get this going, but I am gonna look at it for a while and then edit. Actually typed ediot (when an idiot is editing LOL) So give me a few and then I will ediot. I think I have started something. Bless you and yours. Shall return.

Who would be the most Scorpio like in nature?

based on this, the first person. not only many more scorpio placements, but they have MOON in scorpio. that alone is a heavy placement that immediately makes a person VERY much like a scorpio, especially in emotions.

10 points to anyone who can answer this question?

if something happens to my iPod touch and I still have the repair and service coverage can I send it to apple to get it replaced

How would my zombie deck do against a blackwing and a lightsworn deck?

One way to improve your deck would be cutting the deck count to below 42, this helps you draw more of the cards you need. Also to help get cards you need add monsters the search for other monsters. Add another goblin zombie, sangan, or mystic tomato. A spell that is cheap that lets you search your deck is gold sarcophagus, if you want to go all out you can buy 3 pot of duality. If I were you I would add more staple cards that are in every deck, i.e. 2 mystical space typhoons, giant trunade, etc. Look at the builds of other zombie decks on the internet to find other combos that you like.

Do you think mechanics charge to much?


Is it just me, or is the Doctor getting younger the more he regenerates?

I've always thought regeneration was a process of renewal therefore leading to a younger body. Romana - a time lady from the old series - was awesome at regeneration and could turn into whatever she wanted. the doctor is more of a rebel than romana so i've always thought that he didn't pay much attention to regeneration lessons back at time lord academy and has had to make it up as he went along - like he does with a lot of things. maybe he's better now at regeneration so that's why he's younger and better looking

Do I loose a little bit of my soul every time I move?

No one knows what a soul is. It is not enegy which is physical in nature. It is spiritual which is a state we cannot quite comprehend. It is akin to quantum particles that exist through out creation in you and of you and outside you but without mass. I hope that clears it up for you.

Which placements would make someone fascinated with death?

Maybe Pluto is transiting your 8th house. Also Pluto in Capricorn might be conjunct one of your planets there...or opposite your Moon in Cancer.

Can someone please tell me SOMETHING? (astrology)?


Cannot communicate w/primary D N S Server

I have a Linksys wireless-G broadband router and suddenly I have been unable to connect to the internet when I try diagnose and repair the message i get is cannot communicate with primary DNS server

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Naiko N1003 No Disc Message?

My 15" LCD TV/DVD/Monitor N1003 has suddenly (i.e. within the last 12 hours) come up with a message every time I try to play a DVD that says simply "No Disc". I can't find the manual and have no idea how to fix it. I have tried several different DVDs from 2 regions, but not had any success in solving the problem. Does anyone know how to repair it? Or has my faithful little TV/DVD combo bitten the dust?

Seeking 'Little Tikes' Inflatable Bouncy House Repair Advice?

We have a fairly large out door bouncy house purchased 3 months ago. My 2 toddlers just love it. As I took a close look at it, I noticed small pin size (some 3x that size) tears occurring all over the fabric of the tent. I would guess about 90+ tears. Don't want to seek & patch these things as the house inflation is not yet affected. Is there a sealant I could apply with a paint brush? I know to avoid the seams because that's where the air needs to escape from as the kids are jumping on it. Thanks.

What could this car steering problem be?

Wow... your lucky your were driving slow. That would have been a bad wreck if you were going any kind of higher speeds. What car is that so I never buy one?........ Ok check all tie rods and pittman arm to make sure none are broke. If you see nothing broke, I would suspect the gear box went.

I wanna give my bike a paint job and using an ordinary spray can?

I saw these really cool fluorescent spray cans in the hardware store and I am thinking of using it to spray- paint my bike. Is a good idea? Coz a friend suggests me that its better to bring the bike to a car repair shop to do the paintjob and I think that it might cost a lot. Idk but what do u think?

My windows vista keeps going to system repair and not finding problems, but keeps restarting!!!?

i tried going on safe mode but keeps doing it, and every other thing i tried, like recovery, rebooting, and of course, system repair, keeps restarting and going to system repair!!!, recovery said it was successful, and when trying to find a problem, windows said their was no problems!!!!! BUT IT KEEPS RESTARTING TO SYSTEM REPAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, this is what happened, it was going slow so i thought, i maybe need to restart, so i shut it down like i normally do, i press ctrl + alt + delete (because when i go to the start menu and click shut down, it says i need to restart windows normally, which mostly means, it didn't shut down right) i click shut down button on bottom right, it takes a little longer to shut down, i wait 10 - 15 minutes for it to cool down, it says something like, recoverying files and shows a bar in white, then goes to system repair, which it sometimes does this, but always use to go back to windows login, but now, it keeps restarting and going to system repair, my brother siad he just kept on doing it then i worked, but i did it for 20 - 40 minutes and it still restarts. i have another os, linux, on here, which i'm currently using, and it works just fine, i didn't download anything new except team fortress 2 on steam, which it didn't do anything, and i don't download any illegal songs or anything, I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!

PS3 loud fan noise Normal in my situation or not?

I have all those games your talking about and sometimes my fan when loading up the game or a certain cutscene, or a certain segment will turn on the fan a little louder, but in little time goes back to its normal operating quiet level. But then again I have the 160 GB slim which uses less power than the original consoles, so I don't think your situation is abnormal. Those games are huge, and my system is always pretty warm after any game, not just those, that I play. And I have my PS3 lying horizontal, nine inches from the back little wall (that has a about a 3 inch diameter hole for cords to go out) and then from that hole is like another 9 inches to my real wall. And that always has been good enough, even when I play for long hours.

Problem with Laptop!?

As stated. There is a problem with my windows 7 DELL laptop. When you turn it on, the black screen with white text comes up, with start windows normally or repair windows. Both send you to the LOGIN screen, but there is no LOGIN box. It is just a background of the LOGIN page, you CAN move your mouse, but nothing else works. Is there anyway to system restore this, or fix it? Thanks!

Are square moon signs enough to ruin otherwise good compatibilty?

No, I would just be watching and know that Scorpio is not comfortable revealing their emotions until they are positive that they trust the other person. So the Leo moon would need to understand that. And Leo is not really that comfortable telling all either about their emotions. Yes they can be the life of the party, but when there is no spotlight they generally do not like to expose their emotions either. So not do bad. Just do not ask each other all the time "How are you feeling?" You both will open up when you are both comfortable to open up to each other. Don't ask for commitment either as both signs take that very seriously, esp Scorpio. Don't talk about future plans such as marriage. In other words, don't rush the relationship in any way, shape, or form. Now your Mars are in what is called an opposition 180 degrees apart. The Scorpio Mars needs to be very very watchful of what hs said to the Taurus Mars. Both are very stubborn. This could mean some difficulty when there are arguments. Be sure not to have battles that are not worth a battle. Save it. When there is an argument the Scorpio Mars will really have to watch their words because Scorpio knows others weaknesses and when angered, let's them fly! Don't do that Scorpio Mars. And Taurus Mars can be extremely stubborn and you will not be able to change their mind when they have made a decision. That would be very difficult indeed. So save energy and only fight worthy battles. Be respectful of others emotions and you should be fine. Good luck and bless you both.

Dead Dell now working. NOT repaired. What was the problem?

probably a reset problem and by unplugging the adapter and plugging it back in you have reset it to work.. maybe a security feature to shut down on an overload...

Doctor Who - "A Good Man Goes To War"..?

When the doctor dies in effect he is a different person. Watch the episode where tennant is about to die. Not only that there are clear personality differences between the incarnations. Yes it is the doctor, but it also is not.

What is the title of this game?

It came out a few years ago and it's a PC exclusive. It's a survivor horror from a first person perspective, I think. It takes place (or part of it) on a ship frozen in ice. One of the gameplay elements is you have to warm your hands by a fire to regenerate your health.

Should I still be his friend?

Ok so I have this friend, who had been my friend since high school. We both graduated about five years ago and in those 5 years friend really has changed. It’s mostly how he treats his other friends and women and I don’t know I want to be around him anymore because of it. For example when his car is broken and in the shop, he calls his buddies up that he rarely talks to and pays them gas money to drive him around until his car is repaired. And when they need a ride, he blows them off saying he can’t when he can and says he never really liked them in the first place. On the same issue, he is a back seat driver, he starts telling the person who is driving how to drive and yells at them for driving too slow, not being in the right lane and even give them directions which gets us lost. He also treats women really horribly. He has had two girlfriends and they both broke up with him for similar reasons. They both broke up with him because he was controlling, manipulative, cheated on them and treated them low. I personally asked him a few weeks ago if he could go back in time and change anything or apologize for the mistakes he made he told me “ No, because in a relationship, one has to be right and one has to be wrong and I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE RIGHT!” This disgusted me and made me really look at him differently. Also we work together. He got me a job the same place he works at. At work, he sometimes makes mistakes on paperwork and when the boss asks him questions, he says he doesn’t know and it wasn’t his fault. The Boss turns to me and gives me this “well if it’s not his fault then it’s YOUR FAULT” kind of attitude. And my “friend “doesn’t apologize or anything. Sometimes he evens comes to work drunk or is drunk on duty. He gets into arguments with co-workers, makes mistakes on paperwork and even leaves the bottles in plain sight. I go out of my way to get rid of the bottles, make amends with the co-workers, and I even take him home and take over work for him. I get a simple thank you and a promise it will never happen again. He breaks his promise and it happens again, usually every other month. He pushes away his old friends and those who really care about him and replaces them with new friends who are shady and shallow and I don’t like them. I told him and he told me he is not really there friend and he is only using them. I tell him to stop hanging out with those people but he won’t listen. He seems to be befriending anyone who can help him gain whatever he needs then screwing them over and bragging about it. I don’t know if I still want to be his friend and be around his new “friends”. Even all my old co-workers and old friend say he is a shitty friend and I should ditch him. Should I based on what I’ve told?????

Movies on astronomy stuff....?

Science, History, Discovery channels on satellite or cable service have Universe and other series about lots of astronomy, planets, going there, etc.

Overall is the Ford Taurus a good vehicle?

I am looking at an 06 or either 07 Ford Taurus mid sized. Just looking for a vehicle that is cheap to repair and is reliable. I had a 96 for a couple months and it was great to me, should they drive very similar?

Subaru STI Car Electrical Problem - What's the Cause?

Sounds like something i did. The flashing lights happened to my impreza too but i soon realized that there is a plug by your ecu. Which is located in the passenger foot well. Pull up the carpet in the back (near the dash) slowly and you should find your ecu. There are two connectiors that look like they should go together but they shouldn't. I put these two together and it caused hell but once i unplugged them. The car has ran fine.and how it is suppose to. Check those two connectiors

Anime movie where a kid dies in a traffic accident and is brought back to life by girl, but with a curse.?

I saw this anime movie sometime around 1998 and 2001. This kid is in a traffic accident and dies, he is then brought back to life by a girl, though he is cursed now. He has to protect the girl and fight these monsters or he dies. He can't die through a normal means and he regenerates his body, as long as the girl is safe he is alive. I need help finding this movie. I never finished watching it back then.

Is it a psychological thing?

ok, well my uncle is convinced that his body is in terrible condition and that if he stops working out he will mess his body up. He says that he needs his body to regenerate itself. He refuses to get a job and refuses to do much for himself. He relies on my grandparents for housing and food and has no ambition in life. He thinks that he is not able to hold a job with his physical condition even though he is muscular and fit. I want to know if this is some kind of psychological condition or something because im worried that he may never want to do anything with his life ever. And when the time comes and my grandparents pass away he will have no where to live and nobody to provide for him. What the hell is it? I seriously am worried that he is mentally ill.

Should i send my xbox for repair?

maybe a little more money for your new console,but a lot more better than the fat x360,the failure rate is very low,around 4-5%,and the console close automatic if too hot.hope that helps

What is his Venus sign?

This is an out of sign conjunction. All out of sign aspects tend to be weak, rather than strong. The venus not the sun is also in an anaretic degree which would mean that what he wants in love could be changeable or unclear. Anaretic means to wander. His venus is Aquarius, and that itself could be hot and cold, capable of amazing communication, and then suddenly shut down.

Thinking about purchasing a car from a private party?

Just listening to your story I wouldn't touch that car with 100 foot pole. A good place to find a good reliable used car checkout retirement areas and over 55 mobile home Parks you will find many cars that were driven by grandma or grandpa that have low mileage but well maintained . Always take a car you are thinking About buying for no less than a 30 minute test drive an hour is better Check for overheating ,weird smells, transmission slipping when hot. A run around the block will never give you the information on how the car is running. If you have the money have a mechanic check the car about 100 bucks you pay him can really save you down the road. Good luck

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Don't you just hate it when.........?

Yup. Their characters should have some flaws. Most people enjoy making their characters perfect. -__-

Virgo Sun and Aquarius Rising?

Along date & tme of birth ,place of birth is must to see thelongitude,latitude, it makes a lot of difference

Do these skills help in aeronautical engineering?

I want to get an Aviation science course(flight lessons) on a nearby college, Computer repair classes in high school, Robotics classes, and Auto Cad drafting classes. Also physics.

Photography ideas for project?

Here are five ideas that you can try to expand your portfolio. Don't ask me why the URL says 10 inspirational photos when there are only five. But still some good ideas here:

Compatiblity :) ? Taurus/Scorpio?

The Scorpio and the Taurus are opposite in the zodiac. Maybe they can be together, but they both love power and I don't think that they can understand each other perfectly or can make compromises. I say that a Scorpio&Taurus relationship is a bad idea.

About Bugera amps...?

you can talk to the techs in the forum at and they will know the circuitry and its common problems and mods.

I installed windows 7 loader in my laptop and its not starting help?

I installed windows 7 loader in my laptop and now its not restarting.. Whenever i restart it shows startup failed and prompts me to run startup repair.. But when i open it, it does not help and again gets back to the same screen.. Please help.. Thanks in advance

95 Chevy Blazer 4WD 4.3L Vortec is misfiring and can't find out why?

Well I went to Autozone and had the scan done. They said it's misfiring and that I should replace the Plugs and Wires. I did all the plugs and wires and yet the Blazer still idle and acted as though it was going to stall. When driven I get hardly any acceleration and it chugs along. So me and dad changed the Rotor on the distributor cap. Still the same issue... The service engine soon light is flashing away and When we changed the rotor we looked at the posts on the dist. cap and they seemed to look fairly okay. Meaning there was hardly any corosion on them. When the truck is started and turned off you can smell gas and I went under neath the truck to find that i'm getting oil leakage somewhere. Looks to be where the exaust and Cat meet. (Guess) Well when dad runs out of answers and i'm still scratching my head....Where to go from there??? Were tight on money right now and can't really afford a $1000 Repair job.... He told me to get the Distributer cap replaced and see if it helps any. I have high doubts that it will.... WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!

Is this a good (or reasonable) deal?

Not with that fluid leak. Get it fixed or get them to fix it. Last thing you want is a fried trans b/c the fluid leaked all over the hwy one day. I'm not overly impressed with that cars mileage for it's yr either. It's worn out & knowing your karma, it will die soon.

Which of these SUPER POWERS would you most wanna have?

Invisibility and Telekinesis but if had to choose one i would probably give an edge to Telekinesis :D

If there was a sequel to DBZ (not GT) what do you want it to be like?

I think they ran out of ideas when Making GT... Have you noticed the similarities... or baby saga, looks like buu or even cell to me... I could go on with similarities. Anyway. Super saiyan 5 and six required. New (original) characters. Goku Jr. and Goku would be in it. Vegeta jr. would be nice... Maybe. and the fights would be epic.

I need help about my houses!?

a href="," rel="nofollow"…/a this link explains the 12 houses in simple understandable form

I Need someone to please answer a question with knowlege in cars.?

My husband and I have limited funds. Our 2001 Toyota Camry needs a new clutch. It has 170,000mi on it. My question is, should we invest in a newer car or spend a few thousand to repair the Camry...?

Rate my magic elf deck? (10 points for best answer)?

You have no concept of what regeneration is and therefore your deck won't work. Regenerate is an ability that keeps your creature from dying in the game for as many times as you play the mana cost. It has nothing to do with bringing a creature back from the graveyard. I will list the URL for the page of keywords.

Will God regenerate my body?

every time it burns off in hell, just to torture me forever and ever after? And How can he torture me forever and ever after? Is Time infinite, unlimited or unmeasurable in extent of space, duration of time, in hell? Is Satan in charge of hell? If I commit the worst crime of all! would I burn next to Hitler, Buddha, Gandhi, Muhammad, and so on...? and after all Allah frukbar!!!

How do I become a Time Lord?

Im assuming you just read the wiki, because otherwise you would know that timelords are a nearly-extinct alien race and the Doctor is the last of them, therefore not human

How to over come a common cold?

Drink lots of fluids. Water mostly. It'll flush ur system n help with the gravel on ur throat. N try not to swallow any mucus saliva. That'll help get rid of the germs that's coming up. N u don't have to go to work today so rest, sleep and feel better :)

What type of personality is this in LOVE?

doesn't sound like a commited person most likely to cheat perhaps. need more water elements than scorpio

When we rub blanket there is static electricity so there must be electrons detached wat happens to it if v?

rub it for ever will the electrons finish out and there will be a change in the state of material or will the electrons regenerate ??

My windows vista keeps going to system repair and not finding problems, but keeps restarting!!!?

i tried going on safe mode but keeps doing it, and every other thing i tried, like recovery, rebooting, and of course, system repair, keeps restarting and going to system repair!!!, recovery said it was successful, and when trying to find a problem, windows said their was no problems!!!!! BUT IT KEEPS RESTARTING TO SYSTEM REPAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, this is what happened, it was going slow so i thought, i maybe need to restart, so i shut it down like i normally do, i press ctrl + alt + delete (because when i go to the start menu and click shut down, it says i need to restart windows normally, which mostly means, it didn't shut down right) i click shut down button on bottom right, it takes a little longer to shut down, i wait 10 - 15 minutes for it to cool down, it says something like, recoverying files and shows a bar in white, then goes to system repair, which it sometimes does this, but always use to go back to windows login, but now, it keeps restarting and going to system repair, my brother siad he just kept on doing it then i worked, but i did it for 20 - 40 minutes and it still restarts. i have another os, linux, on here, which i'm currently using, and it works just fine, i didn't download anything new except team fortress 2 on steam, which it didn't do anything, and i don't download any illegal songs or anything, I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!

Movies on astronomy stuff....other planets, etcc?

I assume you mean human colonist life? Mars Direct is the best speculative documentary I've seen on exactly how Mars might be reached, terraformed and colonised. You'll also find TV documentaries about the chances of finding alien life on Mars, Titan, Enceladus, Europa, etc. Carl Sagan's series Cosmos is also an all-time classic.

Any auto repair shops open on sundays? Its an emergency!?

Today my engive started overheating and i need it checked out PRONTO! pleas tell me some one is open on sundays!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is cartilage of pelvis joint regeneratable?

i have undergone surgery of pelvis joint, cartilage among bones has been damaged due to osteomilitus, after 2 years of syrgery and after complete recovery from TB, there is still damage in joint, according to doctors cartilage has been damaged and the cartilage cant be regenerated. is it right? is there any medicine ar any diet that help in cartilage regeneration?

How to fix broken charger port on laptop?

My Acer Laptop fell right on my charger that was plugged in and now its very loose and it doesn't want to charge anymore. :( If I wiggle it around sometimes it will charge if I hold it in place but if i let go it won't charge.. Is it possible to fix? And how much would it be to repair it?

How does that little girl in doctor who regenerate?

im trying to find out how does amy pond have a time baby. after traveling thru time and space as a fetus( mabye made in the future) then i want that answer. please help, because i just started watching this 3 months ago and i still dont understand much about it. thank you and (SPOILERS.)

Where is the preview for Heroes of Olympus: Son of Neptune?

One of my friends said the preview is now out but they did not hand over the link and I could not find it myself when I looked for it, is it really out?

Who is the regenerating girl in doctor who~?

in my opinion i think it is susan foreman, the doctors granddauter who travelled with the first doctor as she would be a timelady, so could regenerate but also as she had children who could also regenerate and she was left on earth, or it could be a version of romana before she met the doctor or after

Dream I broke my iPod and cried like a baby?

Okay, so i'm on the iPod lovin it, lookin' up porn and what not, and these little black kids were at my house, idk y, and then the next monrning i couldn't find it, i look out window on the 2nd floor of the building and this long cord leads to the parking lot, i hurry down, and see 2 unfriendly looking men heading down the stairs as well, and i ignore then then suddenly think of death(the guy with the scythe), and wonder for a moment, then i'm like "Nahh, people only have bad death dmt trips only if they let themselves have bad dmt death trips." I laugh at that hahaha. But anyways, I found it, the screen worked, it was wet, and there were chunks knocked off the top of it, I had just ******* goten it, I was in bed crying and crying and crying like a *****, then I wondered if I spent my 56 dollars on repairs, wondered if I got on google I could see how much repairs costed, anyways, it's random but anyone got any ideas?

Marvels Kraven vs Sabertooth?

hmm, definately a tough call but i would toss my bet in with sabertooth, that accelerated healing is the most key and important difference between the two, with the healing factor, it is virtually impossible to kill sabertooth by conventional means. another thing is that though kraven has all those powers stated, sabertooth also has a good deal of similar powers as well (agility, reflexes... etc) so essentially he's the same as Kraven but with healing powers.

Snayo camra broken help please?

The camera is done for. Repairs will cost more than buying a new camera. There's no way out of this. Tell them the truth and surprise them. I bet they'd let it slide if this would be the first time you show some sincerity. If not, they won't kill you. It may feel like it but it won't happen. It's all in your mind. Really. Your only hope is to start telling the truth and act responsibly from now on.

"DOCTOR WHO"....... David Tennant the twelve Doctor!!!?

Well Tennant left the show for Shakespeare and other plays. I highly doubt he'd return and so soon. Plus it would look really bizarre if they go from a 26 year old, back to a 45 year old. Since the Doctor's have gotten progressively younger. I doubt they will bring him back-but he was an extremely good actor and when I was 12 I was deeply in love with him. I would love to see him return but it's highly unlikely.

I have a question for an ENT specialist?

I have minor hearing loss of course from music and it's almost moderate, I'm 20 years old and don't wanna lose my hearing, I was wondering if I could use adult stem cells from my nasal hairs to regenerate my hairs in my ears so my hearing comes back. I don't believe in using embryonic. Will adult stem cells from nasal hairs help? And how much will it cost?

How fast do earthworms regenerate?

How fast would a earth worm regenerate (for the ones that can regenerate). can you give me a rate or example? say the worm was 7 inches long and i cut off 3 inches from the tail, how fast would it grow back to 7 inches? thank you, i need this for a lab

I need advice on minecraft?

I'm very new to minecraft - just got it yesterday - and I dont' know what the overall point of minecraft is. It doesn't seem there are any concrete goals in singleplayer. I just work to get better minerals and armor and stuff, but what's the point? I want to get on multiplayer to really experience the open-ended quality of minecraft, and I've gotten on a server, but I have no idea what to do. I couldn't mine any materials (everything would just regenerate and I would get nothing from it), and people were trading items and money as i could tell from the chat, but I didn't know how to do any of that. Any advice?

How much would it cost to repair a 40GB ps3?

The YLOD has appeared.The machine is dead. I also tried to fix it myself by applying a hair dryer to the back vents. This actually revived it for a week! But it's dead again now. How much would it cost to repair it in Ireland? The vents at the back are slightly melted also.

What is going on with my stomach?

Hi there, I'm a teen girl, and the Friday right before memorial day I woke up at 5 AM with this excruciating pain in the middle of my stomach, and I was crying too, which I never do from pain, I'm a tough cookie. Well I had volvulus repair when I was a week old because my intestines were twisted. I had an x-ray done, and it showed constipation so my doctor told me to eat fruits and ones with skin on them, no meat and pasta, I only lasted a week, Did that, wasn't getting any better.Now after I eat I get very nauseous and have to go to the bathroom. What is going on? It often feels like someone is tugging from the inside of my scar.

What dose all this men i dont get what venus and mars and all that is?

this means that mars,venus,sun etc were in a certain place of the 12 zodiacs at the time you were born. if you type in google 'whats my birthchart' you'll be able to find out, hope this helps

What in my brother's chart makes him a douchebag, yet, so sweet and cuddly?

Well, when exactly is his birthday and how old is he? BTW the pillow thing and saying come to papa seems like he's thinking of "something" so that just might be boys being boys, but from the mean side he sounds like a scorpio or a capicorn, but from the sweet side he sounds like a libra aquarius but he might very well be a leo as the hardness, leo's are usually good at hiding their feelings. So are Libras and Libra's can sometimes have a well.. double personality but not in the medical terminology, he's either a Libra, Leo, or a Scorpio. That's just my geuss I mean Horoscopes and Astrology aren't my strong suit.

Is Amy Pond from doctor who pregnant, and who with? (spoilers)?

I never thought of Amy being a ganger, but it sounds good, it might explain why the doctor keeps getting conflicting readings about whether Amy's pregnant or not. If Amy's daughter is a timelord though, or at least part time lord, then the doctor would be the logical choice of being the baby daddy.

What Is The Significance of ANY of these Placements?

You're asking for quite a bit here, but I can elucidate some things for you. What is most important in Western astrology are the aspects created between planets--that is, how many degrees separate them. Conjunctions are zero degrees, oppositions 180, trines 120, squares 90, and sextiles 60, this all of course giving or taking about five degrees. The sign in which a planet is found shows how a planets energy is expressed, but a house will show in what arena of life it is expressed. This is especially important when considering the effects of the slow-moving outer planets, which change signs only once in a generation, and are thus best-interpreted as for as individual personality goes by house placement. A quick Google search will likely show you some good pages that detail what the houses mean. When interpreting an aspect, the energy expressed through signs and houses must be considered, and thus the aspect (and the chart) will have a unique interpretation. With this in mind, you can hopefully see that astrology concerns much more than merely differentiating people into 12 different personality types.

I Need A New Book To Read?

I really like the Percy Jackson Series i have read The Kane Chronicles and The Last Olympian book, i love Rick Riordan, i don't want to read is grown up books though, i like the Greek Myths now so while i am waiting for the Son of Neptune do you have any suggestions on a good book like these?

After a quadrillian years in hell?

yeah, eternity is a really stupid concept in general isnt it? i for one am looking forward to not existing. in another 50 years or so, of course.

Oil of olay regenerist uv defense regenerating lotion with 50 spf?

Sounds like you are allergic to something in the product. Did you get the one with Vitamin C? I had a client that was allergic to it. It would be wise to read the ingredients so you can figure out what you could possibly be allergic to so you don't buy it again in another product. The next item you buy keep the receipt until you get the results you are looking for.

Water line equation is y = -2/3x - 12 can we place an ornament at the points (-4,-10)?

Imagine you want to put a pink flamingo lawn ornament in your backyard. You want to avoid placing it directly over the water line in case you need to excavate the line for repairs in the future. Could you place it at the point (-4,-10)?

Am i a typical Libra?

Hi Queenie. Yes you are a typical Libra but with that Leo rising and moon in Leo you are probably a little more out-going than many Libras. with your Mercury/Mars conjunction in Libra you are probably quite out-spoken as Mars always like to have a battle here and there. You might want to be careful that you give others their say too. Sometimes you probably slip and you say something because that is how that aspect works. Think it (Mercury) then say it.(Mars) Since it is in Libra you probably are quite considerate though and that lessens the tendency to speak before thinking. Not sure exactly what house but that Capricorn "stellium" ( when 3 or more planets are conjunct, or closely together) is powerful. Next time list those three Saturn, Uranus, and Capricorn please and give the house placement. My daughter has this exact same conjunction in the 4th house. You two must be close in age. Wherever this stellium is placed there will be great activity. Saturn means you have to take personal responsibility where it is place. Uranus insists that you change and will not allow you to get in a rut. And then Neptune adds a spirituality beyond reason (rules infinity) and gives much creativity and often physic ability as well to that house that is occupies. Good luck Queenie. You are definitely a Libra though a little more outgoing than most. Everyone is unique and that includes you! Good luck and bless you.

Acer crystal eye webcam not working?

Well this is what happened, A few weeks ago i was going onto my acer crystal eye webcam to take a few photos and i found out it was broke, there where lines down the webcam, i discovered it was cracked, so i sent it away for a repair, When i got it back i went onto the crystal eye webcam and it said "No video capture device was detected on your device", Ive tryed everything from re-installing it and downloading drivers but nothing worked! Could someone please help!

1995 Chevy Blazer 4.3L Vortec 4WD is misfiring and can't find a solution?

Well I went to Autozone and had the scan done. They said it's misfiring and that I should replace the Plugs and Wires. I did all the plugs and wires and yet the Blazer still idle and acted as though it was going to stall. When driven I get hardly any acceleration and it chugs along. So me and dad changed the Rotor on the distributor cap. Still the same issue... The service engine soon light is flashing away and When we changed the rotor we looked at the posts on the dist. cap and they seemed to look fairly okay. Meaning there was hardly any corosion on them. When the truck is started and turned off you can smell gas and I went under neath the truck to find that i'm getting oil leakage somewhere. Looks to be where the exaust and Cat meet. (Guess) Well when dad runs out of answers and i'm still scratching my head....Where to go from there??? Were tight on money right now and can't really afford a $1000 Repair job.... He told me to get the Distributer cap replaced and see if it helps any. I have high doubts that it will.... WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mom installed parental controls on MY computer, that I bought with my own money.?

Do you want to thank your mom now for being a good mother, or will it take you another 40 years to figure it out?

Astrologically, why am I obsessed with the 'unknown'?

moon in scorpio!!! we like to dig deep into things and uncover what isn't seen. also like anything dramatic and hidden.

Can skin regenerate after harmful sun exposure?

Yes it can, actually cancer is the result of the skin (or any other cell) rapidly regenerating in the affected area's. But yeah i suggest using Aloe Vera gel on your skin along with the sunscreens and the spf means the amount of time you can be exposed to the suns more harmful rays. But using Aloe Vera gel can help your skin heal tanning is actually not a natural process they may look nice but there far from health the best thing to do is just get the sun in small doses with sunscreen on you wont be as dark, but you will at least have healthy skin.

A question about Ford taurus overheating problem,pics included,please help!?

There is a switch that turns the fan on at about 220f. some are in the rad tank, others in hose, or "stat" housing. Your manual should show it. (not temp. sender)

Ideas about amy pond's pregnancy?

ok so i watched the episode 'almost people' and omg i really want to hear peoples opinions on amys pregnancy and how that came to be. my theory is that amy got impregnagated (spell?) by the silence or something to do with the silence and i think that silence and the ladis with the eyepatches are working together somehow or something. and what about the little girl who regenerated at the end of 'the silence'? do you think that she could be the doctor and amy's baby? and i really want them to bring back donna noble into the story i loved her she was so full of energy :D so give me your thoughts :)

Can someone give help for a small claims case?

my car got hit in a parking lot by a co-worker and we both have PLPD in Michigan. He was clearly at fault and got the ticket. i will only be able to get $500 from his insurance even though my repairs will cost about $1300-$1400. He wont give me any money so i am forced to go to small claims. i have not yet told him or scheduled a court date yet. i have gotten 2 estimates and have not contacted his insurance company yet. This accident happened mon june 27 and i would greatly appreciate any advice or help from anyone with experience. Is there something i am missing out on that would ruin my chances of winning the case? What if he doesn't show up for the court date? help please.

Rate my Zombie deck/ suggestions please...?

Add plaguespreader zombie, unless you don't like Synchro monsters. Also take out 1 regenerating mummie and 1 patrician of darkness. Then add 2 bottomless trap hole, and take out spell reclemation. For synchros add Revived king Ha des and Doomkaiser dragon. Hope I helped.

Yu gi oh magical arm shield?

my brother and i were playing a game of duel monsters / yu gi oh. he attacked me with a monster with 2000 atk points i currently and regenerating mummy and spirit reaper on the field, he attacked my regenerating mummy and i used magical arm shield he said i cant use it because i have to have exactly one monster on the field because the card says if you have A monster meaning only one. do you think he's correct and if i take control of a monster in his side of the field in atk position and the monsters attack is 1800 does ho lose thew life points or do i lose the life points because if u attack relingquish the equipped monster dies and the owner loses the life points

If River Song is part time lord and can regenerate, why didn't she back with the 10th doctor when she was on t?

River Song from Doctor Who is apparently the little girl who can regenerate and is part time lord, and she was seen regenerating, then why didn't she do that back in the Library when she was dieing?

Do brain cells regenerate?

Oh, and I want sources, please. Sources on relevant recent, in a relative term, studies. Nothing without a source that you heard from your father/friend 20 years ago. Thanks.

Does auto body or mechanical work require you to be strong (I'm a girl)?

I met a few gals that can really paint over the years, good hand eye coordination, and color matching ability's, but it takes its toll on your body over the years, its very strenuous repetitive work believe it or not, and takes a lot of talent to do the nice custom work, however the pay is good if you get in with the right outfit, and most painters start there careers in the bodyshop and not the paint shop, so there smarter than they let on, they just dont want to do body work anymore as it will really beat you up after awhile, as far as the mechanical end. IDK one of my old girlfriends is a mechanic for the California Highway Patrol. but as California is broke I wonder if she still has a job , hope so she was pretty cool,

Can someone explain this chart for me?

Your entergetic,young looking,and playful but are full of courage and determanation but deep down ur senstive and sexy

What plugin is used for Minecraft Bukkit Server when you take an item and when you close it,it automatically..?

automatically regenerates EX i fill a chest with cobblestone and i take some Cobblestone and I close it then open it again its there and in my inventory. Please Respond

Large amount of mucous discharge?

I am 3 days past due. I originally lost my plug weeks ago, although I know it can regenerate itself. Since last night I have been having an enormous amount of discharge, half of it has been blood tinged with brown and pink blood. But it's been a HUGE amount of discharge. Every time I go to the bathroom I'm wiping away globs of mucous and I lost what looked like the plug I lost the first time only this time it had blood in it. Could all of this discharge mean that my cervix is effacing? And is this blood tinged mucous discharge the bloody show?

Dell inspiron 530s factory default?

Is there Anti-virus protection on the computer such as Avast? You may need to turn this off. Are you disabled from the net? Do so. From what you have given, you were in safe mode? We know you can get there. (F-2 after the Dell splash screen at start-up. Funny suspicion, you have malware in this computer enabling you from repairing it. System Restore should be able to take you back to a time before this happened. I would take a trip to Cnet and download Malware-Bytes to a disc on another computer. Inject it into the one you are working on in Safe Mode, and run it. Come out of Safe Mode and run it again in Windows if it fires up. If you have some files missing, you will have to go into Command Prompt and run a check disc program. Microsoft can help with the instructions. I am not sure of the OS you are running. A wild guess, Vista. Sorry for the briefness, each has it's own properties. If all else fails, I am told you can get a disc from Dell for this system at a price. Stories are some times not retold correctly. Links are below. Hope it helps.

Help Me With my Hp mini 110?

It should still be under warranty from HP. Also, you should go to HP's site and update it. This may be a "known" problem and they may actually have a "fix" for it on their site. Also, it's not a laptop, it's a netbook. There IS a difference in their operation. Either way, it should be under warranty. :) Good Luck!

Auto Repair Question (Distributor Problems)?

I have a 1998 Chryser sebring lxi and I was told the distributor is bad. I want to know about how much with parts and labor how much it should cost to replace a distributor or rebuild one?

I am fuming with Apple, how do I make a formal complaint?

A month ago I cracked my screen of my iPod 4th gen, now, a lot of my friends have cracked screens too because it's so delicate. The difference is, mine was in a case, and I've had it less than 3 months, it dropped less than a meter. Everything still worked including the front and back cameras, up until a week ago where I've been experiencing small glitches, such as the unlock button freezing, the slide to unlock becoming unresponsive, and my wifi choosing when to connect fully and not work, I know my router has nothing to do with it because it works perfectly everyday on my laptop. I went to the genius bar today to ask if they could fix these glitches, and they've said they can't because my screen crack voids the warranty, they said they can only replace, not repair, and for that, it would cost me �126. I am NOT paying that much, it's catch 22 with Apple, because if I went and got my screen repaired elsewhere (because apple don't offer it ANYWAY) they would say that the original state of it has been tampered with, and they would refuse to fix the glitches. How do I make a formal complaint?