Friday, August 5, 2011

Am i a typical Libra?

Hi Queenie. Yes you are a typical Libra but with that Leo rising and moon in Leo you are probably a little more out-going than many Libras. with your Mercury/Mars conjunction in Libra you are probably quite out-spoken as Mars always like to have a battle here and there. You might want to be careful that you give others their say too. Sometimes you probably slip and you say something because that is how that aspect works. Think it (Mercury) then say it.(Mars) Since it is in Libra you probably are quite considerate though and that lessens the tendency to speak before thinking. Not sure exactly what house but that Capricorn "stellium" ( when 3 or more planets are conjunct, or closely together) is powerful. Next time list those three Saturn, Uranus, and Capricorn please and give the house placement. My daughter has this exact same conjunction in the 4th house. You two must be close in age. Wherever this stellium is placed there will be great activity. Saturn means you have to take personal responsibility where it is place. Uranus insists that you change and will not allow you to get in a rut. And then Neptune adds a spirituality beyond reason (rules infinity) and gives much creativity and often physic ability as well to that house that is occupies. Good luck Queenie. You are definitely a Libra though a little more outgoing than most. Everyone is unique and that includes you! Good luck and bless you.

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