Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What does this mean o.0?

Never to worry. Things can seem disturbing when you take one or two planets or aspects and forget that you have a whole entire natal chart to discover. Your rising sign is the cusp of the 1st house. It rules your personality, physical body, and the "first impression" that you make when meeting others. With Capricorn rising one generally is not especially extroverted with this sign in 1st house. Capricorn likes to take their time and isn't usually the most out-going of rising signs as it is ruled by Saturn, which often restricts or delays. Now add the Neptune to this info. Neptune is the planet of infinity, intangible things like love, knowledge, and creativity. Neptune is the planet that gives us a strong spirituality about the things that we cannot "touch." Many creative people have prominent Neptune in their chart. So when you meet people (1st house issues) you probably don't send out strong vibes which is enhanced by that Capricorn rising. People may feel that they just don't "get" you when they first meet you. Such is the energy of Neptune. Neptune is the ruler of infinity so does that help you understand why it is so hard to grasp your energy when one first meets you? Often Neptune rising people have these gorgeous eyes that just go on forever. Since ones physical body is 1st house issues, with Neptune placed there, many times you may get a rash or some mysterious ailment that defy explanation. Now don't be on Red Alert about this. But sometimes your body can react in a somewhat mysterious way. Always take good care of your feet and wear proper shoes as there can sometimes be a issue with the feet. And since Capricorn is the rising sign, take good care of your skeletal system by using good posture. I am trying to ease your disturbance with these placements so I hope that you do not freak out over some of the information I am giving. it is not given to frighten you, it is given with good intentions. These are not "identity disturbing aspects" at all. I suggest that you take up dance as many many talented dancers have a prominent Neptune. Any creative venture would be good for you. Music, art, theatre would all be good outlets for your Neptune placement. As a Scorpio you are probably very observant and it takes times for you to trust others. This is also normal. And since it is placed in the 9th house of higher learning and travel, attending college would be a wonderful outlet for you. And you would probably enjoy traveling too. With you moon in Aries you can probably be quite emotional when you are angry. That is just the nature of Aries. A little hot-headed and easily frustrated, particularly when somebody just doesn't understand where you are "coming from." Aries always like to have a battle but the lesson is to learn which battles are worthy of fighting. So you are just fine. Just fine. Now if you want to see what really "disturbing" is, just hang in this category for awhile. And then, if still not satisfied that you are doing just fine, head over to Society and Culture and then go to Religion and Spirituality. I guarantee this will prove that you are A-OK. Hope this is helpful. Good luck and bless you and again, you are just fine.

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