Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Windows 7 repair and google redirect help?

i just used rkill the other the day to get the windows 7 repair virus under control...all of my files and start menu and desktop icons are still hidden...but thats only the start of my problems..i now have google redirect i think...i can search in google and it will give me search results but when i click any of them it sends me to all these random pages...i have been using my phone to try and search for help and ive spent hours reading and trying to follow all the gobs of deirections...i used kaspersky and it didnt detect anything. i tried using combofix but it told me it wont work if i have avg which i do...everything i have read is either too confusing (im pretty much computer retarded) or its all jusr repeating the same suggestions...my head is spinning and im super frustrated nothing is working! my coputer is falling apart! please please someone help me in toddler terms! i had to restart my computer as per the directions of trying to fix the redirect....and now the windows 7 repair virus is back..i tried to run rkill again and it keeps saying access denied. now i am right back to where i started from. This post has been edited by binzy: Today, 04:24 P

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