Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alien Skies questions?

thinking about this... if planet one orbits around g1, wouldn't there always be a daytime? if there are two stars that orbit around one focus point with similar eccentricities, then a planet orbiting the G1 star would experience half a year of full daylight and the other half of normal earth like days (with both day and night. this kind of binary system doesnt seem possible to hold stable life forms either. maybe if you had a sun, like our own but much more dense, and a smaller much less dense star orbiting like a planet around that center of gravity with a, lets say not to eccentric orbit.. there are so many possibilities to this scenario. I love these kinds of questions. this may surprise you but im only 16 so my mind is still being exposed to so many new things. i love astronomy. i hope i helped a bit.

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