Sunday, August 7, 2011

Should I still be his friend?

Ok so I have this friend, who had been my friend since high school. We both graduated about five years ago and in those 5 years friend really has changed. It’s mostly how he treats his other friends and women and I don’t know I want to be around him anymore because of it. For example when his car is broken and in the shop, he calls his buddies up that he rarely talks to and pays them gas money to drive him around until his car is repaired. And when they need a ride, he blows them off saying he can’t when he can and says he never really liked them in the first place. On the same issue, he is a back seat driver, he starts telling the person who is driving how to drive and yells at them for driving too slow, not being in the right lane and even give them directions which gets us lost. He also treats women really horribly. He has had two girlfriends and they both broke up with him for similar reasons. They both broke up with him because he was controlling, manipulative, cheated on them and treated them low. I personally asked him a few weeks ago if he could go back in time and change anything or apologize for the mistakes he made he told me “ No, because in a relationship, one has to be right and one has to be wrong and I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE RIGHT!” This disgusted me and made me really look at him differently. Also we work together. He got me a job the same place he works at. At work, he sometimes makes mistakes on paperwork and when the boss asks him questions, he says he doesn’t know and it wasn’t his fault. The Boss turns to me and gives me this “well if it’s not his fault then it’s YOUR FAULT” kind of attitude. And my “friend “doesn’t apologize or anything. Sometimes he evens comes to work drunk or is drunk on duty. He gets into arguments with co-workers, makes mistakes on paperwork and even leaves the bottles in plain sight. I go out of my way to get rid of the bottles, make amends with the co-workers, and I even take him home and take over work for him. I get a simple thank you and a promise it will never happen again. He breaks his promise and it happens again, usually every other month. He pushes away his old friends and those who really care about him and replaces them with new friends who are shady and shallow and I don’t like them. I told him and he told me he is not really there friend and he is only using them. I tell him to stop hanging out with those people but he won’t listen. He seems to be befriending anyone who can help him gain whatever he needs then screwing them over and bragging about it. I don’t know if I still want to be his friend and be around his new “friends”. Even all my old co-workers and old friend say he is a shitty friend and I should ditch him. Should I based on what I’ve told?????

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